Bad Therapy

13 Reasons Why

Episode Summary

In our inaugural episode, Cullen and Kelly talk about what makes Mr. Porter of 13 Reasons Why the absolute worst.

Episode Notes

CONTENT NOTE: Discussions of suicidality, sexual assault, physical assault, child abuse, and murder. Also swearing and, of course, spoilers.


For a show that talks a big game about encouraging teens to seek help in times of crisis, 13 Reasons Why sure does make therapists look totally useless!


Anyone familiar with Netflix's 13 Reasons Why knows that it got a lot of backlash for its graphic portrayal of sexual assault and teen suicide upon its initial release. What didn't get nearly enough discussion, in our opinion, was how absolutely TERRIBLE the school counselor, Mr. Porter, is at his job. Even though we know the point of his character was to be really bad at his job, we just had to talk about it.


For anyone in the US who's in crisis or who loves someone in crisis and wants to talk to someone right now, call 1-800-273-8255 or go to for free, confidential support.


Please note, the contents of this podcast are for entertainment purposes only. Nothing said in this podcast is intended to be taken as personal or medical advice.